Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thoughts on Music Technology #2

A lot has happened in Music Technology since my last post of this nature!
We've had our first PA concert on the 13th of November! For this, I was in charge of running the sound. Before, I would've been freaked out do this! But we've learned more about the EQ since then! Mr. Jones has told us more about it, and the different levels each part of the band should be set at. It made things much easier to understand, and made me feel more comfortable about doing the concert! Overall, I thought I did a pretty good job. It was nice getting compliments from people about the sound throughout the night. Although I have to say it was pretty crazy handling MGI at first, 13 channels! Yikes! lol :) But I got used to where all the mics were set up, so it wasn't that bad. The lighting Logan did was really awesome, and Janel and Josh made the show SO efficient and tight! After watching a video from one of last year's concerts, I really understood the difference we were making. I really had a fun time doing this concert, and it gave me another boost of confidence in my MT abilities! I'm looking forward to the next concert!!
Something we have started working with more now is Cubase, since the bands are starting new songs and we don't really need to set up for them. So far, I have mastered one new song since our first stab at Cubase with our acoustic recordings. I definitely feel like I now more about it now that I did before. We are now mastering in a "Stereo Mastering Setup" file, and we know how to export our finished project into mp3 files! I have also learned more about the EQ adjustments on there too. It makes it a lot easier to master when you know specifically what to alter in order to bring a certain part of the band out. But I still think we need more instruction with Cubase, because I am still not totally sure of what I'm doing in it. We have one acoustic and two concert band songs to master right now, so we'll only be getting better with all this practice!
And, the newest addition to our MT class, our Myspace pages! We just started these last week, and I think they will be really wicked! I have never used Myspace before, so it'll take time to figure it out. Today I took pictures of Two Second Contact, it was fun! It was quite hilarious to watch Janel's full band photo of Made In China!! I am looking forward to seeing what we'll be doing with these pages in the future!
Music Technology is a class that just keeps getting better and better!

1 comment:

Kevin D A Jones said...

Glad to hear things are going better for you now, Caitlin - I certainly feel they are. Cubase is a difficult beast to wrangle, and you are spot-on when you say that practice will make perfect. I feel that, when I'm learning new software, that learning things as I go is a far better way than taking lessons - learning skills in the context that they are required in is a far more efficient endeavor than trying to master several skills out of context.

I'm glad to hear that you are stoked about the Myspace pages. They will be a greatly welcome addition to PA culture!

I want you to try to think of what job you'd like to take at the Jan 22 show, as I will be rotating students into new jobs.

Good blogging!
