Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rant #2

I'm going to be ranting about something that has really, really gotten on my nerves since school started. My rant is about how people voice their opinions on different kinds of music.
I absolutely HATE it when someone says that a certain type of music sucks or is stupid. (I hope that when those people read this, they realize it's them.) The music doesn't suck, it isn't necessarily stupid, it's just not what you're into. You're not the only person who doesn't like some types of music, everyone has their least favourite music. Country is not my favourite kind of music, but I don't go out and say it sucks just because it doesn't sound like Paramore or Bullet for My Valentine. A lot of the time these people look stupid, because they can't really defend their statement. I think they are being very rude. There's this little thing that many people do, it's called being CONSIDERATE. Try it sometime. Keeping your opinions to yourself at times isn't a bad thing. You won't be hurting feelings and you prevent yourself from looking like a jerk. It seems like a much better option. Honestly, you should realize that other people feel as passionately as you do about your favourite music. If you got that, you wouldn't be saying that their favourite music sucked. Some people are shallow. I just think they should actually think of others before they open their mouth.
I know this isn't typical Caitlin, but it's getting hard to be nice to people who aren't nice back. I wish people would realize that what they're doing is wrong, and try to be more understanding of other people's interests.

1 comment:

Kevin D A Jones said...

Caitlin, that blog was like a sucker punch to the mouth. Kudos.
